Estate Lots
Expansive home sites within a beautiful island settingExpansive Home Sites
Albany’s estate lots are expansive home sites that present a rare opportunity to create personal compounds within the luxury resort community. Conveniently located near Albany’s Northern amenities and the Albany Equestrian Club, the estate lots stimulate active living in an incomparably beautiful island setting. An exclusive number of estate lots are available.

Albany Equestrian Club
Adjacent to the estate lots is the community’s newest amenity, the Albany Equestrian Club. Set to open in fall 2022, the club will feature stalls to accommodate 40 horses, a Grand Prix arena, lunge rings, grooming and wash stations, private and shared turnout paddocks and more.

Convenient Location
Albany’s estate lots are conveniently located near the community’s Northern amenities, including the Albany Equestrian Club, Fitness Center, Spa & Wellness Center, Revive Clubhouse & Shop and 18-hole championship golf course.